Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Before You Hire, Utilize What You Already Have

We all know that hiring can be a stressful task, it can be expensive and very time consuming. You have to train the new person, they have to learn your software, and your day-to-day routine. But before you start to hire new employees: Stop, Breathe. Wait and re-evaluate your current staff.

It doesn't take much to pull out your employee files and re-evaluate resumes of current staff. You may be surprised by some of the skills your staff may possess. There may be someone who has management or problem solving skills in which that person can add to your organization.  You may be able to give this person more responsibilities and a raise which is way cheaper than hiring another employee in your practice.  Your current staff  members know your software, your work ethic, and they know the ropes of your organization.

What to look for on the resume?

This can vary by position but look for key factors like diversified software experience, customer service, problem solving skills, other languages, and someone with an objective to grow with your organization. Look at the employees who are hard workers and who will be excited to take on more responsibilities.

Utilize what you have!

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